Monday, September 16, 2013

What I Did This Weekend Instead of Illustration, Round 2

So it's about 12:30 on Sunday night and I'm just now getting around to doing my illustrations for class in about 7 hours. So that's fine. And as I wait for my watercolor to dry, I decided it would be a good time to use that awkward time to blog about things that have absolutely nothing to do with illustration. Also, I've come to realize that I haven't posted any of my actual illustration work in about a week and I'm really sorry about that and I promise I'll put some up tomorrow, but I just haven't been able to get to a scanner this weekend. Because ... I've been busy with all sorts of things. Which will be illuminated through photography in due time. (aka below)

So this weekend two of my dear friends got married here in Kirksville, and the bride, my friend Ashley (and a former VisCommie herself) asked if I would take a few pictures of the big day. So Friday night consisted of seeing all of my friends who have graduated and are doing cool things with their lives, Saturday was wedding all day (yay Catholic weddings with that awkward Mass vs reception time) and Sunday was editing pictures and trying to catch up on sleep. So with all of that combined ... that means about 0% of my homework was done. So that's great.

But anyway, I thought I'd share a few of the shots that were captured on Saturday:


We settled for an impromptu photo shoot on someone's front steps in between the Mass and the reception:

If you look realllllly close at this one below, third from the left, you'll find a familiar face. Thanks for awkwardly waving to me as I came back from communion, Rusty!

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