Friday, September 6, 2013

10 Random Things That Have Nothing to Do With Each Other

So here are the ten illustrations of just random things with different styles.

I think this was more challenging with the rest because I feel as if I didn't personally get to know every single nook and cranny of each photograph. Previously, I got to know each subject really well when I spent four hours examining every. single. detail. that I could draw. But this time ... this time was different. I feel like I just used these pictures then left them out to dry. I wanted more time with them. I didn't want to leave them feeling like they didn't get the attention they deserved.

Another challenging aspect of this assignment was choosing which photographs to draw. I kind of just browsed through photos that I had and then just selected various ones. This was kind of the same process with choosing which style to draw, as I saw the photograph, imagined the illustration, and then chose the line art style that would best suit the nature of the illustration.

Some of these are man made and some are natural, I tried to break it up in order to get a myriad of style options

Above we have a pumpkin and some soy leaves. The pumpkin was shot in St. Louis and the soy plant in Pershing, Missouri. Because knowing where these photos were taken is necessary to seeing this illustration. I mean not really I just need time to kill while the next illustrations are scanning. 

And here is a wheat plant or something that was on a beach in Cumberland Island, Georgia. And a very basic rendering of the steeple of the Old Cathedral in St. Louis.

We dont even need to talk about the one above. If you figure out what that is without my help, you win the prize. Or you can just shield your eyes. Either one. But below it is a little scribble tractor, photograph taken at Corn Fest in Edina. 

Flower from somewhere and then this green spaceship sculpture deal we found on the side of the road (legitimately) on the way to the Illinois State Fair last year. 

Annnnd then some kind of bug thing that was in my car once and a Coke can. 

The End.

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