Friday, September 27, 2013

More Pickin'

So here's the next round of gouache using the pick out method. This is supposed to be what we started in class on Wednesday but that one looked awfully horrendous so I started over when I got home. For this one, I used photographic reference of my great aunt Shirley. 

I really enjoyed doing this round of gouache. I chose this photo because there were a lot of highlights and shadows on her face, and I think that translated well in this illustration. I experimented with different brushes and techniques as well. I used a flat brush swept straight across for the arm of the glasses, but used a smaller round brush for the shadow of the glasses because the line was a bit warped across the cheek. For the hair, I used a balled up Kleenex (I was at work and didn't have ready access to Viva #productplacement #notreally) and really liked how it turned out. I know I could work more on this piece and add more detail, but I'm happy with how it looks right now. I also wanted to stick with the whole monochromatic deal, and didn't want to add any other pigment in (also I'm scared that I'll mess it up. But we're working through those fears, right, Rusty?)

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