Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Architecture + Watercolor

So here comes the first round of watercolor and architecture. I chose eight (eight! Two more than what was required! #crazy) photos to use as reference that seemed pretty varied in color/style/level of difficulty.

So thoughts on this one:

I liked the integration of line art in architecture much more than I did for the landscapes. It was nice how the line art forced me to be tighter in my work, and I think that worked to my advantage.

That being said, it made it more difficult to not be as "loose". I think this was mentioned in class, but if I messed up, it couldn't be as easily corrected as everything is a system of lines and shapes. (Which, I mean everything is a system of lines and shapes but we don't need to get into theory or philosophy or anything here.) I think it was harder dealing with that aspect, as everything was already established and at times I felt like I was just filling in shapes with color.

But anyway, here are my architectural line art watercolors:

So these ones are kind of boring. The Catholic church in Edina and a bridge in New York City. I think on these ones I just forgot that detail was a thing? Maybe. Who knows.

Here's the castle at Disneyland and the Catholic church in Novinger (I think I take a picture of every church I visit? I have a lot of pictures of churches. I'm okay with it.) The color of the castle is suuuper weird, as it's all pink and blue and gold on top and then this disgusting gray on the bottom. But I really liked the colors so I integrated those in my illustration. Also, why did I not paint a sky? I have no idea. 

I really like this little illustration of the church though. So there's that. 

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