Monday, September 9, 2013

Self Portrait Round Two

So for this assignment we were instructed to choose one (scratch that ... Rusty chose one) of our ten selfies from the previous assignment, and then re-draw said illustration at 200%. So here is the "chosen one" twice as large.

Confession: I didn't spent four hours on this one. I spent maaaaybe twenty minutes drawing this one, as I had planned on spending Sunday afternoon on Illustration and may have overlooked a previous commitment I had made when drawing out my time budget for the weekend. But that being said, Mary Immaculate's janky overgrown flowerbed looks really good with 87% of the weeds/jungle gone thanks to what we did yesterday afternoon. But that's not relevant at all. Moral of the story, I didn't use my entire budget (or even like 1/4 of my budget) but I'm somewhat happy with the result. 

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