Monday, September 16, 2013

A Whole Lotta Watercolor.

The first component of this multi-faceted assignment for the weekend was to illustrate five objects using watercolor. I spent a chunk of time Friday night just working on these while catching up with people (multitasking my homework and my social life ... so incredibly lame, I know). Everything except the two pieces of fruit were from photo reference, the fruit was just playing around with tone. I'm happy with how these turned out, especially in regards to the tree and a few of the flowers. 

So the other part of this assignment was to redo two of the watercolor assignments (at least I thought that's what it was. That's what I went with) with the addition of line art, one with line art first and one after. I kind of forgot about the whole line art thing and did a whole 8 x 10 without any intention of line art. Then I decided I didn't want to add any line art so I just kept it and did two other ones. This is my mind at about 1 am with watercolor brush in hand. 

So here is the one without any line art: 

Here is line art applied before, which I kind of hate. I dislike everything except for the shadows, which are the only things that don't directly relate to the Micron ink. I wasn't really sure what I was doing here, and I think I got frustrated with how "cartoony" this ended up looking. I know I should have picked a different subject matter that would work better with line art, or spent more time planning how I would use these drawings before adding in the watercolor. Overall, I didn't like it. But that's okay. It was a learning experience, right? 

We don't even need to talk about this one. This is line art added in afterwards. 

Hot mess.

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