Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blogging Ahead of the Game (Kind of. Not really)

But anyway, here's what we (meaning me) started in class on Friday. I finished it up yesterday, and wanted to blog about it before I forgot.

Obviously the image quality is realllyyyyy good. But I'll scan it in tomorrow and hopefully make up for the fact that this photographs strangely due to the curling of the watercolor paper. 

But anyway, I feel like I didn't really use the whole pick out technique here. I mean, I used it, but it didn't really produce the same effect. There are about a million layers of gouache on each of these apples, which was a lesson in patience as I waited for each one to dry. I also experimented with using different pigments (note: purple) to get different effects as I didn't want to use black except for in the bottom of the basket deal. Also, those white highlights are really awkward, but I didn't know how to approach the highlights otherwise as trying to pick out those highlights just resulted in rubbing the paper raw. And the tape ripped a little bit in the bottom left edge, which was sad. But overall, I kind of liked how this turned out. 

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