Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Product Illustration

So here's my product illustration. 

I chose a bottle of Coke for this illustration, and used about three different reference photographs in order to compose this illustration. 

In regards to time, I was pretty near the budget of 12 hours. However, contrary to a certain professor's theory that all homework for his class is done within twenty four hours of the deadline, this was not the case. Only the last four hours or so was like that ... so, you're kind of right, Rusty. But only kind of. 

One triumph (if you can call it that) of this piece was the way in which I rendered the form. I think I did well with this aspect, and am happy with the way the highlights worked out as well. However, I ran into a bit of a roadblock when I worked towards the top of the bottle, as the photo I was using for reference featured a clear bottle. So naturally, I made up a green color and used it for the glass, and threw in a few green highlights towards the bottom. 

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