Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pleasing the gods of the Liberal Arts

So this isn't Illustration ... but I haven't gotten around to scanning in my (now completed) project for the Lincoln assignment. So I'm blogging about this instead. 

So here we have the artwork for a mural proposal for Kirksville Skate Park for my Drawing III class. It's Kirksville themed and pretty hokey and apparently one of four in the running to actually be painted in real life at the skate park. So, sorry Kirksville. 

These little ones here are all gouache, with no pick out technique in sight. Here are the four together: 

And then each one individually:

So ... if you get a chance, apparently you will have the ability to vote for these on the Parks and Rec Facebook page at some point so if you want to see this hot mess on the Kirksville Skate Park (which apparently is a thing), feel free to throw your vote up there. 

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