Monday, November 4, 2013

World Record

So for this piece I went with the world record of "World's Largest Tea Party". I had initially did some research (note: google search of "weird world records") and settled on the aftermath of the World's Largest Tea Party, which, apparently, is a thing.

So once again we've got the stellar iPhone picture ... but it's too large for the scanner at this point so when I get it actually scanned in I'll repost. 

So ... time budget. Can we just start measuring time in the amount of Netflix watched whilst working on these projects? Because this was about seven episodes of Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaid Edition. (Please feel free to judge me as much as possible for that one.) But this was about six hours on final art on this one. I would say about three hours on marker comp, so that's eight hours overall. Also, Rusty, here are your three favorite words to hear: you were right. I started this less than twelve hours before it was due, and finished it about six hours before it was due. Good. 

So challenges in this illustration: teacups. Drawing each one of those teacups individually was a bitch. I drew a few stacks of them, and then developed a system to give the impression of a million and a half teacups in the background behind the defined stacks. So I sketched everything in in pencil and then went over it with a Micron pen. Another challenge was figuring out which colors to do the teacups, as I didn't want one color overpowering any other. I wanted it to be bright and colorful but not muddy. I used different techniques for various teacups, and did a few with polka dots and stripes for variety. 

After doing the bright and colorful and obnoxious teacups, I wanted to stick to a somewhat muted palette for the rest of the kitchen area. I went with browns, grays, and a weird yellowish hue. There's an awkward shadow on the bottom of this photo but the floor is a strange mixture of green and gray and blue. 

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