Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Society of Illustrators

So ... Society of Illustrators Poster. 

So I started on this buddy yesterday afternoon, strictly following Rusty's 24 hour rule on getting projects done. I mean, at least it was more than 12 hours more than before it was due, right? Right. 

So I had no idea what I wanted to do for this illustration, and then I randomly decided that I wanted to draw a dragon. Weird? Yes. Very much so. I did some internet researching whilst watching What Not to Wear and became good friends with a website entirely devoted to drawing dragons which I think is really just for boys ranging in the 7-10 age group but whatever. 

So I started with some line art (because line is life, apparently) and then dropped in the watercolor. 

Also, I didn't have a concept for this poster but then I came to class with just a dragon and got some feedback from a classmate (aka they provided me with said concept). 

"Good Illustration is Not a Myth"

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