Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm

Welcome, welcome to the illustration blog. Due to the fact that I have a scholarship desk job and zero homework from the one class I had today, I decided to get a head start on the inevitable blogging of the semester. So, without further ado, here are seven quick takes in the calm before the storm. 

1. I'm super excited about these illustration supplies. I may have bought all of my supplies at a Black Friday sale at Blick last Thanksgiving. I may have been super impatient and broken out 90% of the gouache and watercolor. Just possibly. 

2. Painting with gouache + floral prints makes me feel like a Lilly Pulitzer print designer. I stayed with a few old friends last week while they were furnishing and decorating their new apartment, and as a thank you for their hospitality I made them some new decorations (matching each of their color schemes, of course) for their new rooms. 

3. I'll finally be able to spell gouache correctly. Without spell check, hopefully.

4. 7:30 classes are growing on me. Or at least I keep telling myself that. Between Illustration and Sculpture I, I will be waking up every morning at 7 am. So that's good. 

5. I'll have an excuse to spend time on Pinterest looking up illustrations. 

6. I have high expectations for this semester. But reasonable expectations as well. Learning from past semesters (actually just one), I plan to diligently budget as well as record my time. 

7. I can't wait to begin to chip away at those 10,000 hours! See, Rusty, I do read your blog.

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